News & Updates

November 28, 2022

I'm excited to announce that the audio book is published! You can get a copy at Amazon, Audible or iTunes. Links are available on the the Purchase page.


October 4, 2022

We'd like to apologize for not posting any updates recently. Unfortunately, there just hasn't been any news to report. All of our time has been spent on recording and editing the audio version of The Omega Circle.

We're very happy to report that it's almost finished! Pretty soon the world will be able to listen to the story.


September 29, 2021

We have chosen to sign up for Amazon's KDP Select program, which will make The Omega Circle free to anyone who has a subscription to Kindle Unlimited.

As a promotion of this, I will be making the Kindle version of the book free to everyone for the first weekend of October (2nd & 3rd)

So, get your Kindle ready and get a copy!


September 2, 2021

Amazon approved the paperback, so it's available now. Just waiting for Apple to get off their proverbial hind-quarters and then we'll be all set.


September 1, 2021

The book has been published! At present, you can purchase an eBook via Kindle or Nook. You'll find the links on the Purchase page.

I've been struggling with some technical issues with Apple Books, but we're working out the kinks. The printed paperback version should also be available soon. Will keep you posted here.


August 25, 2021

Well, we're getting real close to publishing The Omega Circle...! I'm setting my sights on September 1.

Currently, I'm in the process of setting up all the necessary accounts for offering digital and print versions.

As soon as everything goes public, I will include the links on the Purchase page.


All content © 2021-2024 William Cary